Day 47 | Dalwallinu Kalannie Road: Finally found some roadside shrubbery

113 km | zzOz total: 2,333 km

Wow. 113 km.

Biggest day by distance, by a long shot, and time, by, well, seconds.

Amazing what movement can occur, finally, when there’s a great sealed road, not much of a head wind, slight undulations of the topography, and the absence of distractions along the way.

The countryside is mostly huge paddocks with velvet green wheat growing happily with recently damp feet.

The last few days have been generally great for biking but the immediate future, ie, tomorrow, may be more problematic. Tomorrow I’m hitting the Great Northern Highway, the major supply route for the Pilbara iron ore mines, even if it’s only for 21km.

The weather is predicted to be more suitable for your average wheat cropper needing rain in the growing season than your average long distance bike tourer who prefers it without.

In life you have to take the good with the bad.

On a bike you take what you get, and learn to enjoy it.