Day 48 | Buntine Rocks: actually a tiny rock with great views on the top of a hill

75 km | zzOz total: 2,408 km

Fog, of a type you can feel the blue sky immediately above, the sliver of moon shining through, but sufficient damp to leave the tent as wet inside as out.

Great riding as I powered to Dalwallinu bearing due west, but after finding things to do there for a couple of hours and turning the corner into the wind things really changed. The 20 odd km along the Great Northern Highway had no protection and there were gale warnings issued today. A few days of bad weather on the way.

The delay in Dalwallinu?

I can thankfully report that the issue of my reckless use of a bicycle, ie, riding slowly through an intersection one dark and windy night, with the traffic signals on pedestrian phase, has been resolved through the determined efforts of the local police sergeant. Almost an hour and 7 phone calls were required before contact was made with a useful person at the other end who emailed through a revised infringement notice, printed by said sergeant.

For some curious reason I’ve been able to maintain good humour throughout the saga. Gee, I must be maturing in my old age.

Or, just have the realisation that if I don’t understand The System I can just plug away until I finally have it mastered. There’s always a system.

The sergeant was determined, tenacious, and kept plugging away, so thanks for your efforts.

And now the rain has made its dramatic entrance as I lay snug in this tent, thunder and lightning all around.