Day 156 | Flora River Nature Reserve turnoff: just head down the road for a few hundred metres and set up the tent

95 km | Heading west total: 7,087 km

Two things have become apparent with my short stint on the sealed roads.

Firstly, a mirror is a necessity.

The original one was great but it disintegrated slowly, mainly aided by my dropping the bike a few times and it landing on the mirror. But it was also helped in its demise by the group of boys who mobbed the bike in Halls Creek as I was leaving. (They would have stripped the bike completely in a matter of seconds if I hadn’t dissuaded them.) In the end the mirror bit was ripped off by that Gregory National Park vegetation that overhung the track and I realised quite some distance later it was no longer existent. A decent mirror would assist in giving a fair warning of those cars, caravans and roadtrains sneaking up behind me.

Second, an iPod seems inevitable.

On an unsealed road there’s always something to be doing like checking the route immediately ahead for rocks, snakes, etc, and mostly trying not to fall off. On the sealed road there’s just hours of plodding away. I’ve got hours of MP3s on the computer, just need something to play them on.

I’d like to hear some Tomasz Stanko trumpet again.