Day 109 | Depot Springs, Agnew Sandstone Road: just a fun afternoon out on the highway

114 km | zzOz total: 5,335 km



That was as much fun as the rush down to Rocky Pool just out of Carnarvon.

Disregard everything I wrote yesterday.

Have to after an afternoon where I trundled 90 km in less than 4 hours.

I would have loved to just keep going but was beaten by daylight, too much time spent tapping out blog entries in Sandstone.

I managed to fit in a walking tour of the historic goldrush town of Sandstone and peer down the moderate sized hole dug out in search of gold. There’s a small lake at the bottom, I believe it will eventually fill with water, over the decades. The colours of the rock are extraordinary: mauve, gold, magenta, yellow, almost exactly mirroring the shades of the wildflowers currently in bloom.

I’m sure I don’t need to point out that the caravans zip past, it’s just a few hundred metres walk to the edge. Well, I guess they saw the mother of all holes, the Super Pit down in Kalgoorlie and something like this just can’t match up. The difference is this: the activity has stopped here, you just get the feeling of the transience of the efforts of the miners, indeed to my mind the pointlessness of the effort. What on earth did we need to dig this pit for?

Yeah, too much thought.

Other highlights of the day, more easily digested, a small squadron of budgies zipping past my left ear in the morning, and later, as the sun was moving quickly towards the horizon watching some large flocks of budgies, 200 or so, doing formation flying, wingtip to wingtip.

I’ve come to realise I’ve been heading south since I left Exmouth. Someone’s turned the thermostat right down, it’s jacket and beanie weather.

And there’s been the first clouds sighted since I left Carnarvon.