Day 261 | Dales Camp overflow, Karijini NP: the ranger tells me to camp at the free site (on my own)

61 km | Heading west total: 12,051 km

The Karijini Visitor Centre hit the architectural mags a few years ago and won a few awards.

Great architecture: those big rusting steel walls seem very appropriate out here mirroring the exposed iron ore cliffs of the park.

Not such a great building apparently according to a ranger Jeremy who stops by. The almost black walls radiate the 40°C+ heat rather dramatically for those who work within.

My main point of contention is different: no external power outlets to allow the charging of my camera batteries although I can hear the diesel generator throbbing away.

No, the timing wasn’t so good today: it’s apparently the first day of summer.


Today is a Tuesday and not even the end of a month.

When did summer start happening on some random day?

With the new summer hours the Centre has closed a couple of hours earlier.