Day 410 | Bertie Creek, Telegraph Track: finally on my lonesome again

31 km | zzOz total: 11,829 km

A full day in the sandpit.

When I thought I couldn’t bike this track any slower, I did.

I had remembered the sand patch before Gunshot and thought it would be a good idea to use the Gunshot Bypass Road to zip out and back to the Track.

It wasn’t.

Dunno why I didn’t bail after the first few 100 metres because the slog had already begun. I just kept trudging on.

So not much cycling today, if I was lucky I could get a few hundred metres, I don’t think I ever had a one kilometre stretch of clear ride.

On the plus side, well, I didn’t break a collar bone, it would be good training for, err, riding the Telegraph, I guess.

Average speed for almost 5 hours when my wheels were turning, err, much less than 7 km/hour, maybe my slowest day ever but you can be assured it wasn’t from lack of effort.