Day 565 | Howlong, Murray River: yeah, you can go on with the jokes

67 km | zzOz total: 18,568 km

I realised I’d been on the road for a while on this Murray River leg of my trip when I finally looked in a mirror.

Many have been the usual public amenity mirror, a sheet of blurry stainless steel.

This one was, well, a mirror and I looked a scream.

Quite frightening.

I’ve never been unshaven for so long in many a decade, no wonder people were running, putting change on the counter not my hand, serving me last, or, worse, serving me as soon as I came into the store despite the queue.

Surely I’m still the same person inside but they do say first impressions can be the lasting one.

On reflection I might find some clippers and a power outlet and return from Hoboland before I gain civilisation.

Anyway they say wearing a beard is just an advertisement to say you aren’t having any sex.

I’m vain enough to desire a little ambiguity on that account.