Day 329 | Just over the Queensland border: so long NT

66 km | zzOz total: 8407 km

It’s been a day of animals.

The early morning was brightened by the arrival of a large congregation of Little corellas, who despite their name are a pudgy, medium sized parrot with short tail feathers.

Mighty gregarious they failed to notice my tent in my little gully and enjoyed some early morning chatter to their mates, scoffing brass seed and ripping into the immature watermelon type fruit common on the side of roads.

As was inevitable they were startled by some event, a kite flew by, they took off en masse, frantic beating of wings, close formation, screeching, well, not melodiously shall I put it, their wide white wings contrasting with the perfect blue sky.

Later I saw 2 lots of Euros, the most common kangaroo around here, then, even, as I came over a rise into the wind, a startled emu, they are generally out of here at great pace.

Major sight was a dingo sharing the water trough with a couple of complacent calves, no mothers around to show concern, when they trotted in they didn’t seem super impressed by the canine’s behaviour as it sheepishly wandered off.