Day 580 | Murrindal River: down in the valley

64 km | zzOz total: 19,212 km

I’m all de-zested.

Lost the zing.

My tour feels finished and I just have to get through those constant hills, head down, not thinking about the next few days.

The rain yesterday wasn’t so bad. Today I even enjoyed my last major climb of the tour, on a much better groomed track than I recall, where’s that chunky gravel gone, the road occasionally hacked through rocky cliffs, precipitous drop to the side, the road clearly is unlikely to be sealed in the near future, that would require crash barriers and there’s no width for them, views across the Snowy or its tributaries to solid violet blocks of colour of unnamed hills in waves off to the distance, details not visible.

I did end up getting wet, sweat this time, then cold, but there’s no excuse: my body just doesn’t want to do what my mind is telling it. I wondered when the tour end blues, the end of the road melancholia, might kick in, and it seems to have waited until I hit the asphalt and the associated populated farmland.

Just going through the motions now, no zip, want it all over, and surprisingly I don’t mind.