Day 176 | Floating around in Alice: I'm getting to like the sniff of this town

Early morning, the sun already up, just, warm with the promise of real heat later, not a breath of wind, a clear, piercing blue sky, that air, a Central Australian dustiness, complete lack of humidity, often in low single figures, overall it’s all still somewhat disorientating as I move through town my way to work.

You travel for 97 different reasons, mostly, I guess, I neglected to enumerate this observation, as an attempt to fully experience the act of living, where the differentness of far off surroundings brings more vividness to life. Life intensity.

Maybe in familiar surrounds the nostrils are unexercised to any great degree, the aroma of habitual locations are burned in and scarcely seem to register.

For me with travelling it’s always registering the subtle changes to the smells that signify I’m in unfamiliar territory. It doesn’t need to be full on assault.

I think I’ll always remember the particular tinge to the early morning ethereal atmosphere from this Central Australian excursion.