Day 7 | Congelin Dam: didn't quite expect it to be an old 4.25 million gallon capacity railway relic

57 km | zzOz total: 327 km

Rain, shine, hail, sunny, etc.

Repeat in varied order.

It was one of those often brightly sunny days with occasional brief showers, once to the accompaniment of thunder and lightning and a fair sprinkling of hail.

Met Ross today, a local farmer, after I’d watched him pulling his son’s bogged truck out of a paddock. Most decent rain is ex-tropical from the north not this cold front stuff.

Yeah, I’m from the South Island of New Zealand, it’s not even trying. Ross nodded.

We talked: the ph of the granite soil, 5.6, it’s not a loam, but not so acidic to require much super; rainfall in general, it’s not enough; and what makes a decent cup of tea, strong with a dash of milk, that was my contribution but he did look at me as if I was just stating the obvious, is there any other way, we both agreed on that.

That’s after he dragged me into the homestead rather than let me sit under a tree as a shower went by. His daughter-in-law made the tea, then the neighbour Justin showed up to borrow some fence strainers, you can find them on the rock to get them up from the white ants said Ross, then ex-bogged son, Tim, for, well no one was quite sure.

Could have quite a lucrative cafe here I said as I munched into a substantial slab of yummy fruit cake.