Day 333 | Waterhole 35km from Boulia: Noisy joint actually

91 km | zzOz total: 8626 km

A day I finally pulled my finger out although to be truthful the road was a bit downhill and the surface mostly hard, occasionally stretches of sealed road even, just sufficient to encourage celebration, usually about the time it went back to gravel.

The Muster has started and the roadtrains are loaded, 3 double decked trailers behind the cab, maybe 120 unfortunate beasts off for 3 months grain fattening closer to the cities.

Actually I hear there is a cattle sale in Roma tomorrow, not BEEF 2012 the triennial celebration of all things relating to cattle and what becomes of it at Rocky, ie, Rockhampton, this week.

7 big loads today and it’s just the beginning.

Almost enough to turn you vegetarian, if you weren’t already 90% of the way there already.