Wungong Shelter: Never alone when you have 20,007 blowflies for company
Monday, December 27 2010, | 33 km | Munda Biddi total: 119 km
Maybe I should follow my own advice.
Summary for today, at the risk of repetition, it’s way too hot for this caper.
My little thermometer had a major difference from the last time I looked at the temperature here at Wungong Shelter back on the morning of 15 May. Back then it read 1°C.
This afternoon I let the thermometer stand for 5 minutes in the shade and the verdict: 41.5°C.
Frankly I’m shagged out despite the minimal distance and the sense that the Carinyah to Wungong leg of the Munda Biddi is one of the easier sections. Fortunately tomorrow to Jarrahdale is probably the most cruisy of all.
And the temperature is predicted to drop a big 8° to max at 33°C.
Funny. There’s no one else out on the trail.