Day 237 | bird strangling up the Broome coast: Rest day 4

rest day 4

Can you call it a rest day if you leave the house at 4 20 am?

Many would think that it doesn’t seem particularly restful.

But I wasn’t needed by Jan first thing having set the bird nets up yesterday afternoon. I’ll help get them down at about 10, or 11, and then help move them to another location.

I can walk the 10 km or so up the beach for a few hours instead.

At 4 50 I get out into the darkness on a sandy track through some high sand dunes.

It’s a surreal feeling watching the lights from Jan’s 4WD disappear into the darkness: where am I again?

Actually I’m not really sure. Somewhere near the coast 30 minutes drive north from Broome.

That means it’s about as far from Melbourne by road as it’s possible to get on the Australian continent.

It sure feels like it, my old life has become a faint memory after 236 nights on the road.

It’s not quite pitch dark, more early first light.

I stumble the kilometre down to the start of my walk along the beach on a sandy 4WD track to watch the sunrise.